Friday, August 25, 2017

Post Training Rundown: Running In The Heat

Running in the heat 88F is not the best way to break a 2 week hiatus!

Though I argue it was necessary to finally make something happen, I do admit that I went a bit extreme.

So why pull a Martin Lawrence?

In the past two weeks I've been starting up a few ambitious projects ( and that are super time consuming and tedious. I've been staying up until 1 - 2 am in the morning and waking up at 6:30am.

So my workouts have been suffering in both quality and intensity. This has been very frustrating, especially since the first aspect of my work out regime that started to fail was the motivation to wake up early to run. Sleeping 4 - 5 hours a day is not a good recipe for success in any endeavor, it is a recipe for FAILURE!

How did you fix this?

I've finally got some SLEEP! The night before I made sure to eat well, wash dishes, brush my teeth and go to bed early! 9:45pm!

The result?

I woke up at the butt crack of dawn and contemplated my existence.
I felt well rested and energetic. I call that a SUCCESS!

Stay Hydrated!
Vita Coco Coconut Water, Pure, 11.1 Ounce (Pack of 12)

A post shared by Adrian Davis (@adriandavis108) on

Soldier Complex
"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu
Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts Lifestyle and Apparel

Friday, August 18, 2017

Team No Sleep Is Team No Gains

I haven't been getting much sleep lately since, I've been working on the Soldier Complex website and other responsibilities that get in the way.


Soldier Complex
"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu
Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts Lifestyle and Apparel

Friday, August 11, 2017

Post Training Rundown: My First Bro Split - Leg & Back Day

Today was nothing special. like I said, I'm feeling burnt out, so I'm taking it easy for a while.
I'll try to keep up on my cardio and ab routine.

Warm Up

3 mins Jogging on a tredmill


Leg Press

430 lbs:
5 reps x 5

180 lbs:
5 reps

Seated Row

270 lbs:
5 reps x 2
10 reps x 5

High Lat Pull

270 lbs:
20 reps

T Bar Row

80 lbs:
5 reps x 3

45 lbs:
20 reps x 3

Soldier Complex
"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu
Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts Lifestyle and Apparel

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Post Training Rundown: Isolations and Rehab

Warm Up

Russian Twists: 1 min x 3
Side and Front Planks: 2 mins
Bridges + 10 lb medicine ball: 60 reps,40 reps


Neck Extension

130 lbs: 10 reps x 8
110 lbs: 20 reps x 4
100 lbs: 20 reps x 2

Rear Deltoid Extension

30 lbs: 10 reps x 6
20 lbs: 10 reps x 6

Bicept Curl

30 lbs: 10 reps x 2
            5 reps
15 lbs: 10 reps x 4

Soldier Complex
"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu
Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts Lifestyle and Apparel

Post Training Rundown: Poor nutrition ruins a good workout

Warm Up

Russian Twists: 1 min x 3
Side and Front Planks: 2 mins
Bridges + 10 lb medicine ball: 60 reps,40 reps


Over Head Press

120 lbs: 5 reps x 5
95 lbs: 5 reps x 5
            7 reps
65 lbs: 10 reps x 5
Bar: 20 reps

Lat Pull Downs

200 lbs: 5 reps x 5
150 lbs: 5 reps
              10 reps x 2
Bar: 20 reps x 2

Incline Bench Press

135 lbs: 5 reps x 4
95 lbs:10 reps
Bar: 20 reps x 2

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