After a short haiatus, I'm training again.
A few bumps in the road of life, doesn't stop the journey. :)
Soldier Complex
"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu
Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts Lifestyle and Apparel
Fighting to stay strong mentally, physically and spiritually through mixed martial arts, yoga, weight training, running, swimming and a healthy diet. Follow me on my quest to create the ultimate martial art while juggling life's many obstacles. "...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu
This past week I was some what stressed out from work, but I did a lot of walking during my lunch breaks and stretching. Also since I was super heavy into weight training that I began to skip post training stretching and started to stiffen up. That is not good for judo, jujitsu and striking in general. I need to balance out my flexibility with my strength training.
I've been skipping stretching after weight training, because I was tired and hungry. I was very concerned about eating food, getting more protein and experimenting with BCAAs.
Is it a lame excuse to skip flexibility? Yes!
So this week, I'm going to increase my cardio and take my stretching/flexibility more seriously.
It's been a long time since I've posted something to this blog. For all intents and purposes this blog has been dead for 5 years!
I will not apologize for that, I've made great progress in my career, as a man and as a martial artist! It has been the best time of my life and today I am reaching a new mile stone in my life.
My skills and abilities have come full circle and I now have the power to complete my goal of starting my own ecommerce website!
Initially at the end of 2011 I wanted to start own company, but I lacked the know how to complete the website. Though I've failed in developing a working website at the time, I've gained the skills to garner the attention of high paying employers. (This helped dig my fiance and I out of poverty while she started prerequisite classes to get into Pharmacy School!)
What does this mean?
It means that I'm turning my favorite blog into my life! Soldier Complex will be taken to the next level with photos and videos!