Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mixed Martial Arts Careers

Mixed Martial Arts: Mixed Martial Arts Careers

Today I'm am officially announcing my desire to become a professional fighter. After four (4) years of intense study to get my degree in "Graphic Design," three (3) long hard years of HELL and the cruel reality of the design/advertising industry, I've decided to say FUCK THIS SHIT!!! I've put up with so much bullshit and right now enough is enough. Some people may not understand why I feel this way and others know exactly why I do. (right now I don't feel like explaining in detail.)

Everything I've worked hard for has been nothing more than a lie and my dream has become a nightmare, I feel as though I've wasted valuable years of my life only to be overlooked and pushed to the side for less talented and less qualified people while being crushed under massive amounts of student loan debt. (Now I know the truth about education)

So I've decided to go the route less traveled, as you should already know I'm in the process of starting my own business, (egad apparel) currently I'm researching all of the business certificates and documents I need and where to get them from as well as training for my black belt. Now I'm taking it one step further and I've decided to go pro!

With the current economic downward trend (a.k.a. The 2nd Great Depression) I can't look forward to even attempting to advance my career, i.e. get a better job. In addition to that I've been hit with two (2) back to back financial set backs with the coup de grĂ¢ce looming steadily over head. Instead of sitting and waiting for the inevitable I'm going to be proactive and explore all of my options.

p.s. Bas Rutten is an excellent Martial Artist and I love hearing him speak, he represents Martial Arts and Mixed Martial Arts well.

"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu

Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts T-Shirts and Apparel
egad apparel: eclectic t-shirts and funky apparel

Friday, May 8, 2009

How To Do Wind Sprints!

Usain Bolt
Today I decided to change up my jogging routine and do wind sprints instead. For a while I've been getting comfortable with endurance/distance running and though I've increased my stamina substantially, my training lacks intensity and cardio.

So, with this in mind I did what any serious martial artist would do, run like hell! I began my day like any other day, yoga, stretching and eating a fruit or vegetable, today I ate a carrot. (note: Never workout on an empty stomach, eat an apple, banana or carrot. Preferably something natural, light and non greasy. If you don't take this advice you'll find out the hard way.) Then I stepped out to begin my workout. First I started off with a quick 2 block jog as a warm up. Next, I walked half a block to catch my breath and let the warm up kick in, then I sprinted the rest of the block. Afterwards I tried to keep a sprint 1 block and walk 1 block pace, as well as trying to keep the distance the same. (Street lengths were uneven at times.) Lastly, while undertaking this new routine I decided to run my usual distance to get the maximum effect and believe it or not you do have the stamina to do this.

Wind Sprint Directions (I love making lists!)
  1. Pre-Work Out Prep
    • Eat a fruit or vegetable
    • Drink water
    • Yoga/Stretching
    • Place a bottle of water at the end of your jogging/running route. (Trust me this will come in handy)
  2. Working Out
    • Jog 2 blocks at a medium pace
    • Walk 1/2 block to allow the warm up jog to take effect
    • Sprint 1/2 to raise your heart rate and correct breathing
    • Walk 1 block
    • Sprint 1 Block
    • Repeat the Sprint and Walk steps until work out is complete.
  3. Cool Down
    • Drink water (I told you the bottled water will come in handy!)
    • Yoga/Stretching (This reduces cramps and soreness, it also feels great!)
    • Eat a fruit, vegetable or drink a smoothie
    • Take a nice and relaxing shower
I hope you enjoy this work out as much as I did, thanks for listening and have an awesome day!

Please visit this link How To Do Wind Sprints

"...Spread your Awesomeness[!]..." Sun Tzu

Adrian Davis
Soldier Complex: Martial Arts T-Shirts and Apparel
egad apparel: eclectic t-shirts and funky apparel

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